Good ideas: When to use GenAI for brainstorming

Applying Generative AI like ChatGPT and Copilot to brainstorming is one of the most touted uses, and there are plenty of situations where the technology is well-suited to idea generation. At the same time, it’s not always a great idea to offload the creative process to GenAI. In this post, I’ll explore a few different…

Making meaning with multimodal GenAI

As much as Generative Artificial intelligence has caused waves in education, the focus in research and publications on the impact of GenAI is still squarely on text-based models and in particular ChatGPT. That’s understandable considering the impact OpenAI’s chatbot had almost immediately from its launch November 2022. But by focusing attention on large language models…

Practical AI Strategies Online Course: Launching Next Week!

After months of hard work and collaboration with a group of dedicated educators, I am excited to announce the launch of my online course, Practical AI Strategies, based on my book of the same name. This course is designed to help K-tertiary educators “navigate the rapidly evolving landscape” (if you know, then you know) of…

Generative AI doesn’t “democratize creativity”

Last weekend, I saw a LinkedIn post from influential AI-educator Ethan Mollick, in which Mollick presented a YouTube channel of videos created using GenAI. Glaring copyright and IP issues notwithstanding, one thing in particular about the post rubbed me up the wrong way: the term “democratizing” applied to AI and creativity. Mollick shares a lot…

Some technologies are created with values, others have values thrust upon them

Back in 2023, I wrote an extensive series of articles called Teaching AI Ethics in which I explored nine areas of ethical concerns with artificial intelligence. In those early articles, I argued that it is absolutely necessary to wrestle with the ethical challenges of artificial intelligence, particularly as generative applications such as ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot,…

AI Detection in Education is a Dead End

When you live in a research/social media bubble like I do, it’s easy to take certain things for granted. For example, I always overestimate the number of people who are using generative AI regularly in their day to day work. The reality, as of April 2024, is the majority of people within and outside of…

Coming soon: Practical AI Strategies Online Course

Practical AI Strategies was released in January and has received great reviews from educators in Australia, the US, UK, Europe, South East Asia, and across the world. Over the past couple of months, I have been working on an online course to accompany the book, and it is almost ready to launch. In this post,…

Term 1 highlights: GenAI in education

Now schools across Australia are heading into (or have already started) their term 1 holidays, I thought it would be a good time to provide a wrap-up of the best posts and resources from the last ten weeks. As always, term 1 has been incredibly busy. If you’re about to go into the holidays, I…

The AI Assessment Scale: Update and Pilot Study

Last year, I co-authored a paper with Dr Mike Perkins, Dr Jasper Roe, and Associate Professor Jason MacVaugh in which we proposed the AI Assessment Scale (AIAS). The first paper, available as a preprint on arXiv, outlines the rationale for a scaled approach to using AI versus a “use/don’t use” or a blanket ban. Since…

Artificial Intelligence and Teacher Workload: Can AI Actually Save Educators Time?

Across Australia and internationally, Departments of Education, School Associations, and individual schools and teachers are asking the same question of generative AI: can it solve the teacher workload problem? Over the last 18 months, I’ve seen literally hundreds of ideas discussing how AI can assist with everything from administrative tasks to classroom activities, communications with…

Goodbye, Google Chrome: Replacing My Mobile Browser for 30 Days with GenAI

Just over a month ago, for reasons I can’t quite remember, I decided to try out a little experiment. I know it stemmed from that vague sense of frustration that Cal Newport claims most (tech) writers suffer at some point: the feeling of being thoroughly, pointlessly addicted to technology. Like pretty much everyone I know,…


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